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Choices, mobile choices...

My phone is over 4 years old. It's a high time for me to replace it and get an upgrade.

But almost all of them are 'upgrades'!!

Well, no multitasking features like Android Go versions and anything older than Android 6 is a deal breaker for me.

I got nothing to put a picture on. And I don't plan advertising anything.

I have, like, 3 to 4 options to go on. 5 or 6 if not buying a new phone counts.

So... I can play it safe. Get the same brand within the upper limits of my budget.  Finally use that cloud storage from that particular brand account, faster transition, easily found repair centers, etc. 

BUT! It's over priced for it's specs, cannot unlock it's bootloader, and barely get it future proofed.

Or, get a new phone. With the specs I actually like. Can be have it's bootloader unlocked.

BUT! Not guarantee it will endure in the next 4-5 years as it's not as durable. May brick when I updated it. And definately costs my upper limit budget.

Maybe, get an optimized low end phone. Definately cheap, like half of my budget. May had to cut down my screentime for good.

BUT! No more multitasking. No more games. No more other stuff that I may ended up passing up for the entire next 4-5 years. 

Another route is, well, risky. Get the phone with specs I want for a fraction of the price. Like, ⅕ of the original price.

BUT! OF COURSE IT'S POSSIBLE SCAM!! And that it's high likely a cheap inauthentic imitation.

Maybe I could swap. That's an option for me. 

BUT? I don't like it.

The same with, well, not changing my phone at all. Oh, sure who knows, another 2, or over 5 years? But still.

I want future proofing specs and guaranteed to not brick or breakdown for 4-6 years.

I don't need anything fancier. No flagship phones because I cannot afford that.

A minimum of 6/64GB. My phone is a 4/128GB. Never spent my ROM over 100GB; provided those files belongs to me and not something from work.

Ideally, I'd get a 8/258; but I don't actually need that amount of storage that high.

Let's see... GPU? I want compatability, processing, and good frame rates. 

Graphics? Don't care. No art rendering, no high def. movie. No 'immersive gaming'. I'm fine with just 360p or something not too bright by default... Or one that doesn't brick stuff.

Camera? Don't care. Could care less if it's one of those basic ones. Well, as long size 10 font is eligible on a fully fitted zoomed out A4 picture.

Sounds? Don't care. Well, it could've been better if I never had to switch to loudspeaker whenever I had to talk to someone with it.

4G? 5G? Don't care. If that's relevant to better wifi speed and mobile data internet access, sure. Except, nah.

I went to stores and looked at the phone units. Listed what's available within my budget and eliminated those that do not meed the basic specs.

I did asked people around. Bugged my relatives, bugged people online...

I did my research. Watched and read reviews...

I'm still in this dilemma.

Oh well.

I have until Christmas to decide.

Hopefully there will be sales discount for phone units till then.

Bits and Crumbs of Lot Amounts

Every other nights or so, I walk down a particular section of the street seeing fried chicken vendors closing their respective stalls.

Sometimes, I ask them for their 'mumug'.

They give them away for free.

Ahh, crispy stuff that hits the craving flavor feel -- but it's baaaad for my digestion, cholesterol, and my teeth.

Like most of my comforts do to me, though.

But why? Why crispy salty? Was it my childhood? Oh, sure, I grew up with mostly fried stuff.

But what I consume is more than just fried stuff. It's salty crispy stuff.

Salty more so -- I'd still down a fried fish downed with soy sauce on iodized salt.

Sometimes, I'll just nibble of plain crackers like skyflakes -- as long as it has some salt.

... Really, what's with me and salty stuff? 

Iodized salt more so. Like how it directly affected my cold intolerance into something a bit more tolerable...


So, I like potato snacks because of it. The same with corn like snacks.

And that wasn't all, really. 

Yet still... To a point of addiction -- not a day of not consuming anything of I mentioned above.

It affected my budget, you see. It made a dent on my savings too many times.

Turns out; one, dietary changes has discreet processes and humans only do one thing at the time (avoiding and reducing bad stuff OR consuming more and learning to acquire good stuff). Two, the nuisance of emotional processing and whatever encumbrance to make tolerating cravings easier. Three, is either a whiny head made by a whiny body; either hormonal imbalance or whatever head's association comfort or feel good supposed to be...

Why oh why I can quit caffeine really, really easily but I can't seem to quit crispy salty stuff as hard as I couldn't last not consuming chocolates?

But seriously...

I'm already at the near end of the line of this 'lifestyle'.

Other than aging and having a less proficient body, I really need a change. 

Don't want my dad's side of the health family curse get to me too. Diabetes, high blood, obesity, heart diseases, etc.

... Not that I'm ever worried about obesity. If it weren't for my mom's genes, I'd be more over weight. 

Really. I can look slim without any  intervention or special diet or meds. That doesn't mean I'm healthy in the inside.

But first I need to finish off my fridge stock -- as opposed to throwing it away; before replacing it all with stuff I need to eat.

Sometimes I miss those nights -- approaching said nighttime friend chicken vendors at past 8pm by the dim sidewalks, asking for those fried crumbs.

But nothing lasts forever.

For my own good, it had to be.